An unforgettable insight
From a great collector, who over the years would become our friend, we received a key insight that goes towards summarizing our work as antiques dealers and gallerists. He was already quite old, extremely erudite, and gifted with an innate sense of aesthetics, and he visited the gallery when it first opened its doors. At one point he asked us what we were selling, and we of course replied that we sold Latin American art. To which he replied “no, you sell time and happiness.”
We offer the time which, with our acquired knowledge, we devote to searching out works of art; time that collectors, due to their countless activities, often cannot spare. Happiness is the consequence of that find, and the collector’s subsequent experience on acquiring a work of art, thereby being able to enjoy it and cohabit with it for a lifetime.
His insight and comments on this subject have remained with us ever since, and we allowed his words to take on a core importance in our work. One of the most extraordinary things in life is to receive, with generosity, the teachings of a learned person at just the right time, liberally offering the fruit of his or her personal experience.
Fairs & Exhibitions

TEFAF Maastricht, since 2004